Friday 19 September 2014

Project B September box

Project B - 9 month box - September

the pampered chef microfibre towel

Its that time of the month once again to review the Project B box, this time for September.  I believe this will be my last Project B review as it's designed to go through your pregnancy stages with you, and I've reached the final hurdles of mine, so this is the box for month 9 of your pregnancy (35-39 weeks).

Each box is given a theme, and this theme is 'nest'.  Something pregnant women often feel is the urge to nest, and this isn't necessarily in the last trimester of your pregnancy although that's typically when you're getting the last bits and bobs ready for your little ones arrival (I can confirm this!).  While this might not be the most exciting of the boxes I've had, it certainly is the most practical.

Eco2Life Cleaning spray and Refill
I have to admit, I've never seen anything like this before.  An empty spray bottle which you add the bottle of 'small wonder' cleaning product to - and fill the bottle with water.  I really like the idea of only having to buy the little refills for it, it saves on the amount of plastic used, which is a great thing.

The pampered chef microfibre towel
While I haven't used it yet, I can vouch for how soft it is.  They say it's super absorbent and ideal for cleaning up after the baby and drying bottles.

NO-GERMS Instant hand sanitiser
This is 100% alcohol free.  It kills 99.9& of germs for 2-4 hrs each use and it dries in under 12 seconds.  It's also infused with lavender, chamomile and aloe vera to help keep your hands hydrated.

Spontex Washups
These are pretty self explanatory really :)  We've actually been buying these for years, but the scratch free version that you can use on saucepans etc.  These are great multi-surface cleaners and are great at scrubbing up stubborn areas.

Yes! Nurse's hand formula
This is one for people who's hands are constantly being washed - I used to work in a hospital (for about a year, in theatres) and I can confirm that nurses hands get VERY dry - a mix of being washed all the time and in latex gloves the rest of the time.  This actively hydrates, is fast absorbing and is non-greasy.

Weleda Calendula lotion
An award winning product made with natural organically grown plants.  It's free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants and any raw material derived from mineral oils.

Unfortunately there weren't any prices included in the box so I can't really work out what the total value of the box is, but the full box was £14.  If you're interested in signing up for a Project B box, you can do that on their website here.

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*This post contains PR samples


  1. This is such a cute idea!!! I love the look of the germ spray and that hand cream is amazing, i remember getting it in a glossybox maybe 2 years ago now :D xxx

    1. Ooh that's good to know, I'll add it to my hospital bag ;D

  2. This is a really good idea for a beauty box, and who cares if its not exciting, least you'll be using it all!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  3. I think this is a really cute idea x


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