Recent events have really got me thinking about you guys, all of you who take the time to read and subscribe to my blog. It's dawned on me that you all know bits and bobs about me, but I don't really know anything about you. So I'm going to kick things off with a few random facts about me - and what I'd really like you to do, is share some random facts about yourself too - it could just be what country you're from if you don't want to share much, or you could talk about your favourite bands or hobbies etc?
My random facts
* I'm a published illustrator (not as fancy as it sounds!)
* I love crafting things, I taught myself to knit about 2/3 years ago and more recently learned to crochet
* Since having a baby I cry a lot more, I find things moving/sad
* I did ballet for 10 years (from the age of 2 and a half)
* I permanently have bunting up in my lounge and conservatory (I love it!)
* I'm a complete geek - the hubby and I play games like Minecraft (and have since it was in alpha testing), Halo and Lego (Star Wars, LOTR & Marvel), and board games (like LOTR, Agricola, Catan, Carcassonne, Alhambra, Pandemic etc)
* My first love musically is heavy metal, but I also love ska, reggae, classical... Frank Sinatra)
* I regret not having kids sooner
* I can't drive
* Becoming a mother has been the most amazing experience of my life
So there's some random facts, I'd love to learn more about you, so please leave your random facts in the comments below <3 And because I don't say it enough, thank you so, so much for taking the time to read my blog and comment, I appreciate every single last one of you <3
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