Wednesday 3 June 2015

Nail Art Pens

Nails Supreme

A little while ago I was sent this lovely Nail Art kit from 'Presents for Men' (they also do presents for women!) - just after it arrived, the silly billy I am bit off all my nails (I know, such an idiot) - so instead of waiting until my nails grow to review them, I've created some nail art on my nail wheels - but be warned - I'm not very good :)

Presents for men offer a range of unusual gifts for women and men - I've had a good nosey around their site and they have a really nice range of gifts for not just men and women, but children too :)

In this nail art kit you get 10 different polishes for £19.99* - each are double ended - they each twist together, so if you find a combo you really like, you could attach them together.  Each pen has a brush (just twist the lid), and a pen (just pull the cap off the end). Each of the shades have a shimmer to them, but aren't glittery.

Nail art pens
Here's an example of some of the nail art you could create with them - bear i mind, I'm not very good! (The Sun, Moon, Star one is my favourite!).  The purple shade below was a different nail polish, with the light blue dotted on top - it was super easy to do - just make sure to give the polishes a good shake first, and squeeze them out onto a piece of paper a little first (always good to do that to see what pressure you need to apply to the bottle too).

The Sun, Moon, Star one was super easy - just apply 2 coats of the navy blue, then take the golden yellow shade and draw some stars and half moons, then apply small polka dots randomly.

Sun, Moon, Stars nail art
For these I used the green, pearl white and golden yellow.  The middle one is a pineapple inspired one - I applied one coat of green, let it dry, then with the yellow pen, I drew diamonds on the nail. Once that was dry, I highlighted the sides with the pearl white shade.  Then I created the daisy's using one base coat of green, and dotting the pearl white (for the petals) and the golden yellow as the centre of the flower.

The other one you can see in the background was abstract leaves using the light green - applied to a nude nail.  I love the idea of this - not having a base coat (maybe just a clear one) - I think polka dots graduated from the cuticle would look lovely this way too.

Green nail art
Finally, each of these have one coat of the light blue colour - the one has orange polka dots (blue and orange are complimentary colours so contrast well).  The other has drawn on diamonds in different colours coming away from the cuticle - I used the pen tip for this.

Blue nail art

The nail art pens were really easy to use - you just need a bit of imagination or a good nail art Pinterest board (like mine!) for inspiration.  Feel free to recreate any of these - I'll definitely be doing the sun moon stars one once my nails are long enough (keep your eyes peeled on Instagram for that one!).
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*Post contains a PR sample

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