Wednesday 28 January 2015

Discover new brand with Beauty Crowd

Beauty Crowd logo
First off - the designer in me LOVES this logo, it's so clean and crisp, and love the colour :)  Beauty Crowd recently had a pop up shop here in Cardiff above the Elf store, where they were selling products like the ones below - they're championing discovering new fantastic and unique brands that you might not have heard of before.  So without further ado, here's some of the great products you can buy there.

Flint & Flint
I love the packaging on these, the coloured + signs cut into the packaging is a really nice touch, and their logo is lovely too - all very classy.  There's two products here, their Everyday Wash £27*, and their Eye Hero £37*.  The Everyday Wash contains Glycolic acid (2%), Moringa Oil and Vital ET (form of vitamin E) - combined they help to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays and help to cleanse and clean the skin.  A really lovely product, one I've been using with my Soniclear.  Then we have the Eye Hero - it's a treatment that you dab around the eye area, it contains eyeseryl, beautifeye and Gransil DMCM-5 - all very strange sounding stuff, but the eyeseryl helps to reduce puffyness around eyes, the beautifeye works by working to reduce wrinkles, dark circles and bags by lifting the upper eyelids, and finally the Gransil DMCM-5 helps to blur wrinkles.  It's soft, refreshing on the eye and helps to hydrate - I found that it really did help to reduce puffyness (wish I'd taken before and after pics here!) and keep the area hydrated - it really felt like a good quality product.

Teen-skin actives
 A little more 'affordable' than the Flint & Flint - this is aimed at troubled skin - I haven't had the best opportunity for trialing these recently as my skin has been in really good condition - so I can't comment on the Spot Clearing Gel £6.99 - however, what I can tell you is that it's an on-spot treatment and has lots of good natural ingredients in it like ether oils, lavender and lemongrass.  Then we come to the Restoring Skin Mask £9.99 - this you leave on for 15 mins, it works by absorbing excess oil that causes blackheads and spots, so is great to use as a preventative measure.  I used this a few times and had lovely soft skin afterwards, and it didn't break me out - which I was expecting given the type of product it is :)
Flint & Flint skincare, and Teen-skin actives

Lola's Apothecary
** For a limited time Beauty Crowd are doing a free 10ml roller ball (the one pictured below) of this product when you buy a full size (100 ml - £32) one **
This is their Rose & Neroli body oil, complete with an actual rose inside the bottle, how fab!? Neroli is really the wonderful ingredient in here, when used it can help to reduce thread veins, improve the elasticity of the skin, and encourage cell renewal - all good stuff.  I used this after a bath, and it not only left my skin smelling really lovely and luxurious, but incredibly soft - I really do love using a body oil as opposed to a lotion after a bath as I find it makes my skin much softer and hydrates more effectively.  A really lovely product, and so beautiful. 
Lola's Apothacary

Latherly Shower Experience
Now Latherly is a different kind of product - it's a shower gel in it's true form - it sprays out as a thick gel, but in a can so you expect a mousse, strange!  It's made for men and women, so a unisex product, although, I will say that for me, the scent was more geared towards men than women - however on discussion with the hubby, he thinks the opposite.  I used this a couple of times, but told the hubby to use it, and he's loved it!  What I really like this is that it's made from organic rice milk (how cool!?), and it's free from parabens, alcohol, artificial colours and soap.  It costs £4.99, so not expensive, but slightly more than your average supermarket shower gel.
Latherly shower gel

LAY/N/GO Cosmo
This is a pretty nifty take on a makeup bag or wash bag, or jewellery bag, or anything bag :)  The LAY/N/GO cosmo £20* is perfect for travelling you can put anything you like in there - it lays flat as a circle and the drawstring does up tight, turning it into a neat bag.  There's a special lip around the edge which stops things rolling off, so perfect for makeup (think lipsticks, glosses, eye liners etc).  It's also water repellant, and easy to wash and dry - a great alternative to your typical makeup bag (that's what I used it for) as when you open it, everything is accessible and on display, so you don't have to go rooting through your bag to look for different bits and bobs.

LAY/N/GO cosmo

I've loved discovering some brands I'd never heard of, and some truly lovely products, even down to the LAY/N/GO makeup bag.  If my nails were longer and worth painting, I'd be eyeing up their 'Del Sol' nail polish collection - some gorgeous colours perfect for spring (check them out here). If you'd like to discover some new products, you can visit their site here.
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*Post contains PR samples


  1. Oh wow, I have no idea about any of these brands at all, will have to check them out.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity


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