Tuesday 13 January 2015

2014 Review in blog posts

2014 was probably the biggest year of my life, it saw me lose my brother in January, and in October give birth to my son, my first baby.  Talk about a rollercoaster year!  That aside, I thought I'd put together a bit of a review, looking at my favourite posts from each month of the year.  It's going to be quite a long post, so lets begin!

I've picked my Vice 2 palette review for my favourite post from January.  I picked it as it's one of my first posts using the DSLR as we'd only just bought it at the time.  The palette was a Christmas present from the hubby (it had been on my wish list for a while) and I absolutely loved it.

Following the loss of my brother in January, not much blogging was done in Feb, but I did manage to get a few posts out once I was back from the funeral in France.  Here I reviewed 3 new shades of OCC lip tars and I must admit, I really enjoyed wearing the purple shade 'Rollergirl', but then I am obsessed with purple :P

This is probably a very obvious post to pick, but on the 27th February I found out I was pregnant. It really turned our year around from being horrible, to wonderful.  On the 24th March, I announced on the blog that I was pregnant and showed my first scan picture.  It's crazy to look at this picture, and look over my shoulder at Squidge sleeping in his pod, now 3.5 months old... what a year it's been, and this was the turning point.  My pregnancy experience was wonderful, it wasn't all sunshine and lollipops, I had gestational diabetes and lots of episodes of reduced movement, but I loved being pregnant and can't wait to try for a little brother or sister for Squidge in maybe a year or so :)

For April I've picked this controversial post about my experience with Yes to Cucumber face wipes. I had a horrible outbreak of eczema on my face after using these.  Within seconds of using one, I felt burning on my face and immediately rinsed with water.  It seems I was far from the only one who had this reaction.

May is all about my all time favourite foundation, the Chanel Perfection Lumiere Velvet.  It was a treat to myself for my birthday the month before.  It sits beautifully on the skin, ideally for people with oily or normal skin, as it does tend to accencuate dry patches.  It really does have a velvety finish, a really lovely foundation.

In June I reviewed the Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill mascara, which firmly earned itself a spot as my favourite high end mascara.  It gives great volume and length, making the lashes look full, dark and long, almost like you're wearing some delicate false lashes.


My favourite post from July has to be the Crazy Cat Lady tag that I did - so perfect for me! I got to talk about my cat, about why I love cats, and link/embed some of my favourite cat videos.  If you like animals, and specifically cats, you should have a read of this, and if you like cats I tag you to take part too!


August saw brands release their Autumn makeup lines, and Clarins had a particularly lovely line up. This made it to my favourite post of August because I'm still using the featured eye shadow now and I really liked the pictures I took of the products :)

I've picked this for the September post because most seasons, as you know, I create a tag, some go a bit viral and some don't, but the point is that I really enjoy creating them and I love seeing people take part.  I don't do them for every season as I think that'd be a bit much, but always for Autumn and usually for Spring :)

Another obvious one for me to pick I'm afraid, but October saw the birth of my first baby, Squidge. Lots of lovely bloggers guest posted for me for just over a week, with lots of Autumn themed posts (which I loved), so this post was a thank you to them, and an announcement of Squidge's birth - all of the pics above were taken during his first week of birth.

I'm being cheeky and picking two posts for November.  Firstly the one pictured, this I've picked because for the most part, I loved how the images turned out, and I loved the product - you pick 3 nail polishes and you get to say what they're called - i.e what gets printed on the front of the bottle, love it!  As well as this post (see below for the link), I also loved my write up about afternoon tea at Pettigrew tea rooms here in Cardiff, it's my favourite place to go locally, so it was a pleasure to review.

And last but not least, my favourite post for December was on this purple eye shadow look.  I don't normally post look, but I got inspired to and the post was quite popular, so I'll be doing more looks, I just need to know what looks you'd like to see :)

What has surprised me the most about going through the posts over the last year is how many of them were lifestyle posts and not beauty reviews, but I guess that reflects my year very well.  I haven't bought much makeup at all over this last year, so I haven't reviewed as much, but a lot has gone on in my personal life, which I've shared on here.



  1. This is such a lovely recap, Georgina and hope you'll have a fantastic 2015!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  2. What a really lovely round up and it has most definitely been a rollercoaster of a year for you. I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for you and to see Squidge grow x

  3. Thanks Shireen :) Yeah, here's to 2015 being awesome for everyone :D

  4. Thanks lovely :) Yeah it really was, here's to 2015 :)

  5. Love your eyeshadow in the last pic x

  6. What a wonderful year you had! Congratulations on your baby, he is so handsome and adorable!



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