Thursday 30 July 2015

Nanokeratin Befri Brush

Nanokeratin Befri brush

Nanokeratin Befri brush

Side of Nanokeratin Befri brush

I know what you're thinking "what a crazy looking brush"... yep, that's exactly what I thought the first time I saw it too.

This Brefri brush is by a brand called Nanokeratin, and it really is something very different.  Here's what they have to say about it "a Next Generation professional brush that brings immediate hair relief. BeFri Brush, based on revolutionary patented technology, features a unique Kinematic structure with eight free-moving arms that glide through your hair and smooth it out. Indulge in wonderfully gentle yet effective brushing that actually conditions and strengthens your hair, leaving it healthy, shiny and full of body. So stop pulling at your hair and start pampering it. With BeFri Brush".

What really surprised me about this brush is how each of the eight arms move about, I've never used a flexible brush like this before.  For me, there was two main ways I found it to be really good for my hair.  Firstly, thanks to how it's designed, my hair dried much more quickly with this brush as the air could flow through and around it much more easily.  Also, again because of the moving arms, when I had a knot it didn't tear my hair like a normal brush would.  It forced me to stop, and brush differently and more focussed so not to damage my hair.  It's also really lightweight.

If I was a hair dresser I can see that having a really lightweight brush would really help.  I've really liked this and it's become my go-to brush for when I'm drying my hair, I love that it's more gentle on my hair too, something I've become more concious of since I lost so much hair after having Squidge (don't worry, it's growing back!).

Here's the catch, this lovely brush is $65.  While I'm super grateful that I've been able to try this as a gift, and feel that it's definitely the best hair brush I've used, I will say that I don't think I could ever part with that much money for a hair brush.  However, if I was a hairdresser then it really is something I'd consider for my professional kit.
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*Post contains a PR sample

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