Friday 29 August 2014

Project B August box - Prepare

Project B August
Project B August box

If you're not familiar with Project B, it's a monthly subscription box aimed at mums-to-be like me. So, if you're a mum-to-be or if you have a friend who is expecting, this could be a lovely treat.  

This months theme is 'prepare' and aimed at mums-to-be who are 30-34 weeks pregnant, cue me.  Lets take a look at what was in the August box :)

Deep Freeze pain relief cold patch
This is a self-adhesive cooling patch which provides pain relief to the affected area for up to 3 hours. I can see this being used on my lower back when I'm in labour/being induced.  It can be used at any stage of pregnancy, but I think I'll save this beauty for the hospital.

Described as a new, innovative natural birthing device to help reduce pain and the duration of labour. It's basically like a mouth-guard and works by relaxing the jaw and keeping the mouth open, which then eases the neck and shoulders all the way down to the core muscles.  (worth £19.99)

Nature breast pads
I'm probably right in thinking this happens to all mums-to-be/mums - but during the latter stages of pregnancy and after having the baby, breasts leak milk and most mums wear little pads in their bras to prevent the milk from leaking through their bra and top.  I've not had any leakages yet but I have plenty of pads at the ready for when it does happen.  These come individually wrapped and have some adhesive on to help them stay in place.

Divine milk chocolate caramel bar
Is it sad to think this was one of the things I was most excited about in the box? Firstly because Divine is one of my favourite brands of chocolate, secondly because I love chocolate and caramel and thirdly because well... I can't have chocolate now because of the gestational diabetes, so this is something now in my cupboard waiting until I've had the baby :D  If you didn't know, Divine is a farmer-owned Fairtrade company using the best cocoa from Ghana.  It's seriously amazing chocolate that I've been buying for years :)

Nursing Oil by Weleda
They say that massaging the breasts for the last two weeks before birth will help promote circulation in the tissue which helps to stimulate milk production.  So my plan, to do just this, with this which will hopefully help my milk production :)

TENA Lights
About 69% of pregnant and new mums experience 'little leaks' - I can confirm this :/  These are designed for light leaks and are only 3.5 mm thick.  Whilst it's embarrassing to admit, I really should try these as I've definitely been leaking a little, which is perfectly normal.

Also inside the box was a little handbag size pack of Femfresh wipes, 3 individually wrapped pukka tea bags, a lipgloss and nail varnish, as well as some liquid iron and a Weleda Citrus hydrating body lotion :)

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*This post contains a PR sample


  1. This is such a lovely box, I never knew they did pregnancy boxes xx


  2. This looks so interesting, definitely something for me to consider :) x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  3. I didn't realise pregnancy boxes existed, this is a really nice mix of practical products and treats too :-) xx

  4. This is such a cute idea! I love that they included chocolate - who doesn't love receiving chocolate?! xx

    Gemma // Miss Makeup Magpie


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