In an attempt to ‘get back into blogging’ I’m going to start a series. I’d planned to start it on Sunday, and call it ‘The Sunday Edit’ with it being a bit of a review of our week, and in all honesty, that’s what it will hopefully remain as after this week, but as it’s going live on a Tuesday, I thought I’d kick it off with a ‘The Tuesday Edit’ just this one time :)
The last week has been a bit mental – we’ve had typical toddler sleepless nights, we’ve had a trip to A&E, I’ve had my 2nd nasty cold in 3 weeks, and we’ve been to the beach.
So it had been a typical Tuesday. We’d picked up Squidge from his grandparents after work, we’d headed home, had dinner and were bathing the little one. He’d just got in the bath, when he slipped, hit his chin on the edge of the bath and bit right through his tongue :( He bit it so hard, his little tongue was embedded on his tooth and his daddy (thankfully) freed it (which wasn’t an easy task), Chris said his tongue was really stuck on there). He screamed and cried so much (understandably). It’s something that’ll haunt both of us :/ Anyway, we called the out of hours Dr who told us to go to A&E. I booked off the next day to comfort him and keep an eye on him – he was glued to my side and needed lots of mummy cuddles. Poor little boy :(
Slimming World
The hubby and I have started slimming world! I've done it twice before, each time losing about 4 stone, but I have a lot more to lose than that. 4 stone seems to me my 'wall' that I just can't get past. I'm determined to lose more than that this time, for Squidge's (and my) sake. We've done our first week, and my first week's weight loss was a whopping 11lbs! Hubby lost 6lbs which is amazing as he's barely overweight - that 6lbs would probably have been enough to put him back in a normal range. Lucky sod. I'll try to include in the Sunday Edit each week how we've done and share any good recipes we've tried and loved.
Ill… again
Friday (my day off – I work Monday-Thursday) I fell ill again. I still had a bit of a residual cough from the last cold (2 weeks ago) and boom, I have another cold :/ On top of that I have my seasonal cluster migraine, these tend to last between 2-5 weeks, I’m only coming up to week 1 at the moment. So Friday the little man and I didn’t get up to much as I felt so rough – the cold is all up in my glands, so giving me a really sore stiff neck.
Weekend - Ogmore by Sea
Saturday was all about doing the weekly food shop, and Chris and I feeling like zombies from being up all night with the little man for the 2nd night in a row. But Sunday was a different story. I was still ill, but feeling more human again. The weather was gorgeous (cold but really sunny), so we decided to take Squidge to the beach (Ogmore on Sea). We were only there for an hour, but he absolutely loved it! He fell over in puddles (and the sea) lots and loved it :) It’s great seeing him explore, picking up sand, dropping stones in rock pools to hear the sound of the plop, then him recreating that sound :)
It was a good week, albeit marred by feeling rough and a trip to A&E. His tongue is healing really well too

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