Quite a while ago the hubby and I bought a car mirror. It was made by Lindham, grey coloured around the side. We fitted it and immediately hated it - it rattled like crazy, keeping Squidge awake. It also felt really flimsy. I should have sent it back (I'd bought it on Amazon) but instead it's sat on our shelf, and will probably end up in the bin.
When I found out about the Royal Rascals mirror I was really intrigued. Firstly, it has a yellow surround (sturdy plastic), so for the driver, when they're looking in the rear view mirror, you don't have to search around to see it, instead your eyes are immediately drawn to it, keeping your eyes on the road for the maximum amount of time.
It comes with a small 'baby on board' sign - it's not something we'll use as we're not keen on them. But handy if that's something you'd like/use - I like that it's a small innocuous one, so don't take up too much space.
The mirror is slightly concave too (only ever so slightly) which helps to make sure that the baby/toddler is in view. What I love most about this is that it doesn't rattle, it's really solid. It was really simple to fit to the car, it strapped in over the headrest. And what's more, Squidge loves it. He can now see his Daddy, and see that he's not alone in the car.
We've found that he's been much calmer and I haven't had to sit in the back with him constantly. When we drove to the beach the other day, we drove a long way back which took an hour. He would have been pretty hungry at this point, but didn't cry or moan, just giggled at us every now and then. It's really helped make the car journeys more pleasant as he's calmer and reassured.
Daddy's view of the mirror, you can see it's not too 'in your face'.
This is one I took while sitting next to him while he was sleeping, awwwwww
The mirror costs £16.94 (it's on offer at the time of writing this) - only a couple ££s more than the rubbish Lindham one. For us, it's worth every penny - both Squidge and Daddy love it, and Mummy loves that it doesn't make a god awful racket!

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