I’m just gonna put it out there and get it over with, next month I’m turning 40. FORTY!!! It’s strange, I really remember my mum turning 40, I’d have been 10 (my eldest is 4). I remember mum frequently talking about how she didn’t feel her age, that she still felt like she was in her early 20s – and that revelation blew my mind, like she was 40 how could she possibly feel young! Of course, now I get it, now I’m looking 40 stark in the face, I can confirm, I don’t feel it either. I can’t say I feel 23 either, I feel more like 30, maybe 32 at a stretch.
I feel really uneasy about the impending date, but I try to keep reminding myself of the old adage ‘Old age is a privilege denied to many’ – my dear mum being one of them of course (passing away at 56). Every day that I get to live, to breathe, to spend time with my children and husband I’m grateful for.
What am I doing for my birthday? well, I still can’t decide! I feel like I should have some sort of party, but as I’m dairy and soya free, it’s really difficult (afternoon tea is my usual go-to). And with the kids in tow I’d have to be a day event. I just can’t decide, which means I’ll probably end up doing nothing.
As a family we are going away on a little stay-cation to Devon, staying at our first Airbnb, we’re really excited about this 😁 I’m pretty sure the hubby is getting me a KitchenAid Artisan mixer for my birthday too – sounds like a proper housewife present, but OMG I’m desperate for one! And they’re so expensive, they really are a ‘big birthday’ sort of present 😊

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