As much as I'm still regularly updating and maintaining my mummy blog, there might be a time in the future that I decide to bring that all over here. So I thought I'd start up a series called Mummy Monday, so every Monday will be a mummy themed post (but not a product review), whether it'll be mummy beauty, mummy fashion or just 'this is what being a mummy is like' - so if this isn't your cup of tea, you might want to skip visiting on Mondays :) (thanks Mummy's Beauty Corner for the suggestion!).
So, this last week was a big one for Squidge and I. It was the first time I left him alone for a whole day with his Grandparents. I had a work-thing to go to, crazy golf at the Celtic Manor, which was really great fun. It was so hard leaving him though - my intention was to spend the first hour washing my hair, doing my makeup and getting to town nice and early to do a bit of me-shopping and have some me-time. Alas, that didn't happen. I spent the first hour in floods of tears, missing him loads just knowing I wasn't going to see him before he went to bed.
I finally got my act together and an hour later than planned got to town. I wanted to head to New Look to see what they had in their Inspire (plus size) collection - but very disappointingly they seem to have reduced the range available significantly here in Cardiff, and it was nearly all black. Being a bit disappointed, I headed to Starbucks to grab some lunch, when a display in Mothercare caught my eye. Jools Oliver (Jamie Oliver's wife) has launched an exclusive Mothercare collection called Little Bird - it's retro kids clothes that look like they're straight out of the 70s - amazing! I couldn't help myself but pick up a few pieces for him - so after shopping for me (fail) I ended up with loads of baby clothes for Squidge (win).
On Friday for the first time, he also properly sat up by himself! He's been doing it in little bits for a little while, but always with one of us holding him up to balance him - but on Friday he was sat in the middle of his play mat (surrounded by pillows!) by himself for a good 5 mins before he fell, with no one holding him up :) He's also so close to crawling - when it's in that inflated donut thingy in the pic above he can bring his knees under him and push right up, he only needs to coordinate both and he'll be off! (I know it'll be hard work, but I really can't wait to see that too) :)
Squidge fast facts
- He's just over 6.5 months old (7 months on 6th May)
- At last weigh in nearly a month ago he was 16lb 4oz (he's being weighed again tomorrow)
- He's in size 6-9 month clothes
- His favourite foods are pineapple, chicken and cod - he also really likes cucumber & plums
I hope you've enjoyed this post and look forward to the next one :D

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