Thursday, 9 April 2015

Good changes... maybe :)

Baby Squidge

While I haven't completely made a decision yet, I just wanted to run something by you all, something I've been thinking about for quite a long time.  As you know, when I fell pregnant last year, I started a mummy blog - somewhere to share all my pregnancy updates and baby updates.  Somewhere to talk about my ups and downs as a mummy, as well as share our family days out.

Well, the blog has just hit a year old and over the last month or so I've been giving serious thought to stop writing it, and instead, write those updates here on Makeup-Pixi3.  It's kinda like starting a new character on World of Warcraft - you're heart never leaves your main character (the one you start with), and even if you level up and play others, you always end up back with your main :) Strange analogy I know.

What I'd like to know is, would you like to read those kind of updates?  It'll be monthly baby updates (like this one), baby-related product reviews like this and family days out like this.  I appreciate not everyone wants to read baby related posts, but hopefully it wouldn't put you off reading as there'd still be just as many beauty posts as normal.

Would you keep reading this blog if there were mummy posts on here too?


  1. I'd love to see your family updates & beauty related posts all in one place (: xx

  2. Great, thanks for your feedback Ash :)

  3. I like a bit of variety, and if it makes your life easier and seems a good idea then why not?! Your son is gorgeous, my little niece loves her Sophie too :) xx

  4. I will be honest here and say I don't often visit your mummy blog (sorry) but I will say I love to see all your pics on insta of your little man so yes I'd be happy with them all in one place! xx

  5. Thanks! Awwww, thank you :) Sophie is fab, he loves it/her!

  6. That's ok - it's not everyone's cup of tea :) Glad to know it wouldn't put you off - the last thing I want to do is lose regular readers of makeup-pixi3 :)

  7. All in one will be perfect :) Maybe you can dedicate one day a week for the mummy/baby related subjects, something like Mummy Monday :) x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  8. Great :) Oh I love that idea! I might have to sneak an extra post or two in a week, some weeks but yeah, great idea!

  9. I love to see a mix of posts :)

  10. I'm not a 'baby person' personally but I do like the occasional update; after all, if you have a baby it's a big part of your life and I'm sure a lo of people read your blog because they're interested in YOU, not just the makeup you buy xx

  11. Great! Yeah I appreciate it won't be for everyone, I'm hoping that if I do make the change, that people who aren't into those posts will keep coming back, but just skip those posts :)


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